Rules of Aalto Strategy Case Competition

The winning team will receive a unique opportunity to meet our main partner - The Boston Consulting Group.
The case competition takes place in four-person teams. Teams willing to participate must submit their applications via email by March 14th, 2016. We will provide teams with a preliminary case after the deadline that they must analyze and return within 5 days. The admission decisions will be announced by 28th of March.
Preparation time
During both the semi-finals and the finals, all teams will have four hours to complete their presentation. The time starts after the company presentation. Students are provided with written case materials at the beginning of the company presentation. The case solution should be based on the company presentation, the written materials, and any information found on the Internet.
Students are asked to submit their solution as a powerpoint presentation after the time has expired. Each group has 20 minutes to present their case solution to the jury, followed with up to 10 minutes of questions by the jury.
Competition structure
Four teams compete in each semi-final group on Thursday. The best team from each semi-final group will progress to the finals on Friday.
More detailed rules will be sent to the participating teams.